Sometimes the idea, does not become the reality. We've been shocked by the regulations and brand name restrictions.. and life in general. Our original mission, was to show and provide real life experiences with the things we sell, to provide an online review type website, and maybe have some fun as we go. The second part of our mission was to provide another outlet for handmade and refurbished items from makers and rebuilders. Showing the craftsmanship in these items, and how they perform in the real world. We were floored when we saw a small business, retro fishing lures maker, threatened by a major corporation over copyright and patent laws for products they no longer make. The trend to litigate everything until no small business can compete, is a very real thing. In order to stay afloat, we have to scale back our original idea, and refocus our sales and marketing. Because of this, our shop work, cooperative sales, coffee, tea, etc. is on hold indefinitely. The regulations for selling cocoa mix online are unbelievable, until you consider how much damage a bad actor could do with tainted products. To do third party sales, if we had this contracted out, opens another whole new set of regulations where all involved parties are responsible.
New items will always be in the works, expanding to more than just blades.
Hang on with us, as we brace ourselves for change. Your time spent reading this is appreciated, and we hope to see you absolute Legends out there, where the sky is wide open, and the sun doesn't have a TM.